Ideas for Wrapping 2020 ~ 20 Nov 2020

Wow! Mars is direct in its own sign. That’s neatly organic. Mercury is direct. The Sun is now in the last full sign it encounters in this swamp of a year. Remaining in the annoyingly tough aspect category in 2020 are: Pluto Square Eris (10 Dec), Mars conjunct Eris (22 Dec), Mars square Pluto (23 Dec). After all we’ve endured this year, this seems like a cake walk... however easy it is to walk on cakes.

The Sun stands on the cusp of bounding into Sagittarius and during his first ten degrees in Sag, El Sol transits a series of potent idea-encrusted black holes. Consider that for the next ten to eleven days, idea bursts abound... everywhere... and for everyone... anyone who bothers to pause when the universal ping occurs likely receives some groovy galactic guidance.

These idea blips fly in fast and furious... possibly at the speed of blinking eyes. This is why the next technique stands as so critically important. Underwriting these emanations of insight rides an x-ray burst pattern of 283 seconds. That’s four minutes and forty-three seconds - just short of five minutes - slightly longer than it takes for a degree of the ascendant to pass. For nearly five minutes the crux of the concept enriches the atmosphere. When an idea hits, grab it. Sit down and write it out or give it nonstop, fully dedicated attention for five minutes. It is better to tangibly document somehow... a video for yourself to receive by e-mail, bang out a file that goes into your percolation folder. Get it done. When the x-ray burst elapses, it’s over.

Over means that if you do your common memory retrieval thing... take another shower to recall the inspirations of the previous shower, drive down the same street where the idea poured... whatever you attempt, likely the idea is lost. Others who did tune in hitch their conscious mnemonic attention to the ideas later and make hay. You don’t want to miss out or have the “hey, I had that idea first” reaction to someone’s innovative success.

So here’s the thing: Many report idea doldrums as a result of COVID-19 and all the societal restrictions it has imposed. It feels... flat, flaccid, yuk. Since it’s not practical to get out and interact with others who may inspire these days that leaves engagement with galactic idea drops as a thing that can occur without limitation. Here’s a thought: What if, in the next ten to eleven days, as many ideas access your brain receptors as might have entered your brain all year? What if, during the next week and a half, commitment to concepts and dedication to new idea development becomes the primary quest in life? If that, then no doubt the backpack of concepts will be stuffed fuller than the gift bag of St. Nicolas, and one will be well-fortified to meet the challenges of early 2021.

Wait? Challenges in early 2021. Haven’t we been through enough? Really?

Yes, really. We will be coming off the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of the solstice and led to Mars in Taurus squaring Saturn on 13 January. Then Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, posited in Taurus on 17 January. The next day, Mars in Taurus conjoins Uranus and squares Jupiter. Bringing up the rear, Saturn strategically squares Uranus on February 17th, immediately following the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aquarius to complete the condition of a proverbial ball of yarn.

Here’s what the weave of all this looks like. Within the first two weeks of January life circumstances present challenges, requiring both practical and philosophical solutions. Many will look about, shrug, throw up their hands, saying something like: What do we do now?

That’s where a person, chock full of ideas from 2020's waning weeks, steps forward and says: Here: Let’s do m, n and q, based upon a, b and c, which will lead to w, x, y and z. Wow! Cool! Those with ideas to apply step forward, rise like cream and become the focal point of attention and work to support the core of human conditions, central to the consciousness of all those within their orbit.

Yes, it will take to mid-February to see the full impact of January’s solutions, but compared to 2020, that’s but a flicker of a flame in time.

It seems those with inspired ideas to impart become the leaders of the next wave of human activity. These next days seed collective consciousness such that a fast sprouting crop of concepts feed hungry minds and starving souls in 2021's early days. Anyone willing to tune into the mental flurry in the next days bears that potential. How cool is this!?

More soon.